Monday, August 16, 2004

US Scientists admonish Bush

More than 4,000 scientists, including 48 Nobel winners, have signed a
statement opposing the Bush administration's use of scientific advice.
The scientists claim the Bush camp has consistently distorted science
to fit his agendas.

Source: Wired News


chengpuay said...

I do not intend to go on a political tirade for this post, but to this 'misuse' of information seems to be not just limited to scientific data. Just watched Fahrenheit 911. Very thought provoking show about the forces and motivations behind some of the decisions made by the administration.

Sivasothi said...

Yes but do realise the director is sometimes economical with the facts.

Ladybug said...

I find the movie a little tiring to watch and it seems the movie is driven not solely by the quest to search for the 'truth'.

chengpuay said...

Of course I agree that we must know that the director is no doubt economical with facts. Did some searching myself and found that Moore actually supplied where he got his information from.

Still this is interesting, for sometimes even scientists are guilty of only presenting one side of the story.